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Missions Possible

Diplomatic missions abroad often raise many questions as to the relevance and real value attached to the staffing and identification of persons to head such organizations. The reality remains, we are yet to fully appreciate the value such representation has on the image, reputation and investment potential to our shores.

There are many different types of Diplomatic Missions, including, an Embassy, which is located in the capital city of the host country, and largely offers a complete range of services. A High Commission, which is the Embassy of a Commonwealth Country, hosted in another Commonwealth Country. A Permanent Mission, which is a diplomatic mission to a significant international organization, the Consulate General, which is a mission located in a major city, other than the capital city, and also provides the full range of services, including consular services. A Consulate, which is a diplomatic mission, similar to a consulate general, however does not provide the full range of services, and finally, the Consulate headed by Honourary Consul, which is a mission which provides only a limited range of services.

The basic functions of a diplomatic mission [all categories as listed above] include representation of the home country in the host country, protection of the interest of the home country and its citizens in the host country. Negotiation with the Government and interests of the host country or and on behalf of the home country, the monitoring of, and reporting on conditions and developments in the commercial, economic, cultural and scientific life of the host country, the promotion of friendly relations between the host country and the home country, the development of commercial, economic, cultural, and scientific relations between the host country and the home country, and of course, the standard and more functionary role of the issuance of travel documents, visas, and other standard services. [Source: eDiplomat]

This being stated, I am certain many of you reading can attest to the challenging times you may have experienced in your attempts at attaining an acceptable level of service from one of the levels of diplomatic missions abroad. I have had many readers, liaise with me directly seeking some measure of relief as to how to navigate and access the services offered by the various diplomatic missions, from the most basic form of attempting to contact the mission – as the email contact address always seems to be full, with a return to sender message – or the telephone lines are almost impenetrable at most.

Based on the very important roles articulated at the opening of this article, it is imperative that these diplomatic missions are staffed with persons who understand and appreciate the potential value that can be added, not only to citizens of the home country resident within the host country, but more so, the value added to the home country in terms of foreign investment potential, tourism, marketing, economic and developmental agreements, and other areas of sustainability and mutual benefit.

This brings me to the point of those in whom we entrust the very significant role of representing the best interest of our Nation as Ambassadors. The identification of an Ambassador, or Resident representative in a host country, has customarily been assigned to political appointees, who may have served in various posts previously, and this appointment is bestowed as a means of recognition and appreciation, on the other hand, we have also seen the appointment of persons to such positions of influence of those who may have fallen out of favour with the political directorate of the time, and therefore are ‘expatriated’ in this format.

Many times, such appointees must depend on the career foreign service employees to provide sound guidance and advice on maneuvering the diplomatic world. Whilst we understand and appreciate that the methodology of appointment may not change anytime soon, we must implore those who are appointment to do all in the their power to remember the core of their positioning, which includes the provision of service excellence to the resident citizens of the home country, in the host country. Start there and your ‘citizenry capital’ in the host country will provide you with the support required to achieve most of your stated objectives.

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