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You've got mail! So What?

Netiquette or Internet Etiquette refers to the preferred code of behavior for internet interaction. Today’s modern society has seen the formerly non-traditional media and medium of interacting quickly become the new-traditional medium of interaction, meaning, social media interactions have quickly usurped the position of traditional interfacing. Many have argued the pros and cons of this new tradition, however it is a reality of today’s society and as such, it becomes important to design a framework to ensure the use of such media and a medium has its own acceptable norms and mores.

The use of email is one of the primary tools of interaction, not only in the business place, but has essentially become the primary tool utilized, essentially as a result of the speed and ease of transfer, the presumed user friendliness of the medium, and the ease of access. This being the case, one can argue the more significant portion of all business communication occurs via electronic mail, as such, it becomes essential for us to understand the etiquette behind the use of electronic mail. Have you ever had a very unpleasant encounter, and immediately in your fit of anger, you pen an email and immediately press the send button, then a few moments or days after you regret having done this? This scenario is more prevalent than it should be, and occurs simply as a result of not understanding the codes that accompany the use of this tool.

Here are a few easy tips to assist with the use of electronic mail:

  • Think if the communication of the message may not be better received via a conversation, rather than an electronic note;

  • Attempt to check your emails regularly, and to be as prompt as you can in supplying appropriate responses;

  • If you have decided to send an electronic note, ensure that it follows a simple, clearly stated pattern, so that the reader will receive your message clearly, and not have to sift through too many paragraphs before the point, in others words, simply get to the point;

  • If you have to relay a lengthy message, it may be better to add an attachment that was previously drafted, if attachments are added to the electronic mail, it is polite to state that an attachment was added, and to advise of the name of the attachment;

  • Though we may be tempted to become less formal and business like on electronic mail, it is more advisable to operate as if you would if you were writing a standard letter, particularly if the recipient is not known to you, or if they are a business contact. If the business contact to whom you are writing is already acquainted with you, and your business relationship allows for a less formal interaction, then you can be guided accordingly;

  • Similar guidance should be appropriated with the use of language in your message. If you are sending an electronic mail to a new business client or contact or even if it may be a client with whom you may already conduct business, be wary of the use of your language and the use of abbreviated text. For example, do not be tempted to use this form of abbreviated messaging; ‘I got ur note. It’s gr8t! Btw fab pres. Chat l8tr’. This may be acceptable for informal interactions between friends or inter-office interactions that may not be business related however, for the more formal business interaction, it is best to spell out the words you choose to write;

  • Electronic mail is recorded and stored. Hence even if you tag your note as private, do not take this for granted, particularly if you are operating on a public or office based computer. Always write knowing that your messages can stand scrutiny;

  • Business environments can become extremely stress – filled, and many times we may experience the occasional ‘blow out’. For some, good reason gives way, and the temptation to quickly draft an electronic letter itemizing just how hurt, angry or disappointed you may feel at that point is at the forefront, and you state exactly how you feel. If you need to draft one of these reaction filled notes, do so, but do not send immediately. Give yourself some time to re-read and re-think. Move away from your system, breathe, give it a day, then read your note, and think of the consequences when you are less emotive. Consider if perhaps a conversation may not be the better option, or perhaps a less intense response. The issue with electronic communication is that the tone of the content can easily be misconstrued and the receiver may obtain a completely different understanding of what you meant – this is where interpersonal communication wins.

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